2022 Weihnachtskarte Website Aufforstung

Trees for Christmas

Two years ago, when we took a closer look at our company premises, we realized that they were totally barren. In the proverbial sense.

So we spent the last two years bringing the abandoned areas on our company grounds to life by planting fruit trees, deciduous trees, conifers and shrubs. The whole project was extended by a large bee-friendly flower meadow, which has developed splendidly this summer.

There is not much more we can do on our company grounds now.

But the topic of biodiversity has not ceased to interest us.

Of course, there are many ‘I’ll plant a tree for you’ projects, but the sustainability of such projects is difficult to verify, because mostly they are planted somewhere far away (hopefully).

However, there are wonderful projects right on our doorstep.

In 2009, the city of Cologne started a reforestation project together with the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald Köln e. V. (German Forest Protection Association):

So far, 12 hectares of abandoned land in Cologne have been reforested.

We are participating in the ‘5th Forest for Cologne’. Here, a 1 hectare area of arable land, adjacent to a residential area, is to be reforested very close to our site.

We have already donated, and in November 2023 we may participate in the planting of the trees.

Thus, instead of Christmas presents, this year we will dedicate a piece of forest to our customers, suppliers, business partners and employees.

Thank you for the good, trusting cooperation over the past year.

Happy holidays and see you soon in the new year.